Floor2Plan 2023 Q1 Update: New Features & Fixes

Key Enhancements and Improvements for Shipyard-MES Users

The 2023 Q1 release of Floor2Plan brings several enhancements, bug fixes, and technical improvements. Here’s a summary of the key points for readers who are not currently using Floor2Plan shipyard-MES:​​

Technical foundation Microsoft NET

Technical Foundation

The application’s technical foundation has been updated to the latest .NET version and related packages, ensuring better stability and performance.


Design Update

The user interface has received a design update, including the person management module and minor fixes throughout the application.



The release introduces real-time configuration capabilities, allowing users to make changes and updates to settings directly within the software. A workflow engine has been introduced, enabling real-time customization of processes, including automatic assignment of change-, issue- or transport management request tickets and notifications. 


Bug Fixes

Numerous bug fixes have been implemented across various aspects of the application, including app settings, Gantt charts, reporting, authentication, performance improvements, UX and styling, and more.



The release involves a migration to the latest .NET Core version, Azure authentication, and various code and performance enhancements.

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