As the development of shipbuilding operational processes strongly depends on the characteristics and nature of the shipyard it is important to distinguish the various types of yards and projects to better differentiate the priorities by which operational excellence within each shipyard can be developed.
Application of shipbuilding MES for operational process development
A crucial part in the success of any shipyard lies in their operational processes and how these are managed and directed. Being able to translate the knowledge and skills of available craftsmen, engineers and managers into robust, predictable and efficient processes is one of the key attributes of high-performance shipyards. Whatever the production strategy or relevant ship type involved we at Floorganise guarantee these processes to be enabled. To secure the continuous improvement of both production performance and project predictability.

Unlock the potential of your shipyard with Floor2Plan. Discover how our innovative software can streamline operations and boost productivity.
How to improve predictability in your shipyard
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